Thursday, January 19, 2012

Water For The Future

Inescapably about the water that becomes natural resources which are vital to the life of all living things on earth. ranging from animals, plants, and humans. all human activities most need water. such as bathing, drinking, cooking and so forth.

Often we hear that the earth is called the blue planet because water covers nearly three-fourths of the earth's surface, but not infrequently we find it difficult to get clean water. The rise of industrial activities in the cities resulted in depleted soil water reserves. Excessive exploitation of ground water resulted in a decrease instruisi sea water and surface soil due to empty underground rivers. Then the garbage disposal and waste carelessly causing pollution on the water, due to excessive exploitation of water and waste disposal and waste carelessly that causes water quality and quantity decrease. I wonder what will happen to the water in the future, if we let this continue!.

Did you know? That about 60% of our body is water. Try to imagine! What would happen if we do not get water bias or lack of water and what would happen if we get water but not clean water suitable for consumption, perhaps we would be easily attacked by diseases and dehydrated. Lack of water in our bodies, would cause our bodies do not function normally biased as it should, not scary enough!

We all know that water is a universal solvent. Therefore easily absorb water or dissolve the various particles are encountered, so that water can easily become contaminated, in a cycle in the ground water continues to meet and dissolve various inorganic minerals, heavy metals and micro-organisms. Water is healthy for our bodies is water that has low TDS. TDS or total dissolved solids is the number of different inorganic chemicals including heavy metals that are dissolved in 1 liter of water. The lower the TDS was the better for health. According to test results from several brands of bottled water circulating in Indonesia typically have an average of about 100 ppm TDS. If you want to test yourself, you are biased using the TDS-meter. TDS-meter price is quite affordable. Therefore we must maintain the quality and quantity of water ranging from saving it and not pollute it to our lives in the future ..

What should we do? Several ways have been done such as deforestation and reforestation of water injection on the rivers in the dry underground. But it is still not solve the problem of bias is the water crisis, over exploitation of ground water that carried huge industry party continues. In addition waste water use and the lack or low level of community participation on this matter contributed to the greater water crisis.

Did you know? That about 60% of our body is water. Try to imagine! What would happen if we do not get water bias or lack of water and what would happen if we get water but not clean water suitable for consumption, perhaps we would be easily attacked by diseases and dehydrated. Lack of water in our bodies, would cause our bodies do not function normally biased as it should, not scary enough!

We all know that water is a universal solvent. Therefore easily absorb water or dissolve the various particles are encountered, so that water can easily become contaminated, in a cycle in the ground water continues to meet and dissolve various inorganic minerals, heavy metals and micro-organisms. Water is healthy for our bodies is water that has low TDS. TDS or total dissolved solids is the number of different inorganic chemicals including heavy metals that are dissolved in 1 liter of water. The lower the TDS was the better for health. According to test results from several brands of bottled water circulating in Indonesia typically have an average of about 100 ppm TDS. If you want to test yourself, you are biased using the TDS-meter. TDS-meter price is quite affordable. Therefore we must maintain the quality and quantity of water ranging from saving it and not pollute it to our lives in the future ..

What should we do? Several ways have been done such as deforestation and reforestation of water injection on the rivers in the dry underground. But it is still not solve the problem of bias is the water crisis, over exploitation of ground water that carried huge industry party continues. In addition waste water use and the lack or low level of community participation on this matter contributed to the greater water crisis.

Hope can add insight and knowledge. . . thank you


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